chiara carrer
chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer
chiara carrer
chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer chiara carrer

chiara carrer

chiara carrer

Petra Ediciones Zapopan, México
text and illustrations Chiara Carrer
What the Jury said: Special thanks must go to any publisher who decides to bring within the broad embrace
of the "new horizons" someone like Chiara Carrer, whose exacting work is the result of painstaking research and passionate dedication to her art. This joyful book is fully in line with the artist's constant search for renewal and commitment to an aesthetic of children's literature that is always closely linked to Art. Disseminating work by Chiara Carrer is to help remove the absurd barriers between Art and books for children, barriers that forbade Paul Klee the right to dialogue with his child in his studio. For Chiara's work has no confines or limits; it perpetually
seeks new horizons

chiara carrer chaira carrer chaira carrer